Developers Getting Started Guide

Developers Getting Started Guide


This is the start page for a new developer looking to start with Ikasan EIP development.

The steps below detail how you setup your IkasanEIP development enivonrment. This consists of a sandbox structure and tooling within which you develop and a runtime structure within which your developed solutions get deployed and run.

Development Sandbox and Tooling

Your sandbox is your development work area into which you will clone the repository; change, compile, and test your projects prior to deploying them to your development runtime.

The following are required as part of the development software stack.

  1. Install Java
  2. Install Apache Maven
  3. Install a GitGub (or vanilla git) client
  4. Install an IDE
  5. Install Application Server
  6. Install FTP Server

Development Runtime

Your development runtime is where your active applications execute once they have been built and deployed from your sandbox to here.

The following are required as part of the runtime software stack.

  1. Install Application Server
  2. Install FTP Server (optional)
  3. Install DBMS (optional)

Building IkasanEIP

Clone the Ikasan Github Repository to your local machine. See https://help.github.com/ if you are unsure of any aspect of working with GitHub.

Goto the root of the cloned IkasanEIP repository and build using maven.

From Command Line

mvn clean install

Deploying IkasanEIP Sample Applications

Copy any of the sample ear files to the application server for deployment.


Configuration steps

  1. TODO Maven Setup for Ikasan EIP
  2. TODO Database Setup for Ikasan EIP
  3. TODO Application Server Setup for Ikasan EIP
  4. TODO Base Ikasan EIP Setup

Running the applications

  1. TODO Running the Ikasan EIP Global Console
  2. TODO Running the File Delivery Demo Application

How to

  1. TODO Check out Ikasan EIP source code
  2. TODO Build Ikasan EIP Components
  3. TODO Install Ikasan EIP Components
  4. TODO Start the Application Server